We are no longer accepting orders for the September Meat Pop-up at this time. Please check back here soon for the information about the October Meat Pop-up.
This fall has brought with it some excellent BBQing weather. We have scheduled a third beef for the BBQ pop-up. You will be able to pick up your order on Thursday September 21st.
To Order, please complete the order form below. You will get a choice between three pickup locations:
The Farm pick-up location (567 rang ste Julie Est, St-André-Avellin (Map) on Saturday September 16th between 2:00pm and 4:00pm (during the farm tour – see above)
The Glebe Pick-up Location will be at the Corner of Glebe Ave and Lyon St (Map)
on Thursday September 21st between 3:00pm and 5:00pm
The Westboro Pick-up Location will be at the Corner of Mayfair Ave and Bassett Ln (Map)
on Thursday September 21st between 5:30pm and 7:30pm
Please note that these items below are available on a first come first served basis.