Visit the Farm
We are super proud of how we raise the cattle, pigs and chickens on our farm and we love showing people around. Normally, during the grazing season (from May to November) we organize a number of farm tours to showcase how we move our cattle through the pastures and to present our regenerative farming practices in action. We do ask people who come for farm tours to leave their pets at home.
Unfortunately due to COVID-19, we have not been able to offer these farm tours in 2020 nor in 2021. We are hopeful that we will be able to offer dates this coming grazing season. Please Subscribe to our Newsletter to be the first to find out when these farm tours are happening. Or check back later for more details.
Alternatively, if again due to COVID-19 we decide to not offer any farm tours, we will create a virtual tour and post it here.
In short, we miss you all and can't wait to start offering these tours again.